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Ace security

Security is our top priority

Mascot Ace

We want you to feel secure when using our services – it's important that you trust us, so we are continuously striving to protect both your data and identity at all times. Our priority is keeping our users safe.

Insuring the Security of Your Data

Insuring the Security of Your Data

At Ace, we understand that the security of your data is of the utmost importance. We want to make it clear to our clients that we are committed to ensuring the security and privacy of their data throughout our applications.

Secure Repository Analysis

Secure Repository Analysis

To analyze your repositories, we only copy the ".git" folder, and delete it once the analysis is complete. We download a bare clone using a temporary token, and no code is persisted. The container used for cloning is destroyed to prevent storage of data. Our approach ensures the security and privacy of your repositories.

Secure Integration Disconnection

Secure Integration Disconnection

We purge all associated stats when you disconnect integrations. This is done securely by allowing public access to internal repositories using your integration provider token. This maintains strict authentication and access security and ensures data transmission over a secure protocol.

Stripe Payment Security

Stripe Payment Security

We use Stripe to process credit card and payment information, which is encrypted using AES-256 and stored with separate decryption keys. Stripe is certified to the highest level of certification available in the payments industry and uses separate hosting infrastructure for storing, decrypting, and transmitting card numbers. This ensures the security and confidentiality of our payment processing.

Compliant with Security Standards

Compliant with Security Standards

We use MongoDB Atlas for our database, which is compliant with the latest security standards. We ensure that your data is secure with end-to-end encryption, auditing and monitoring of our system, and regular security assessments.

Complete Data Deletion

Complete Data Deletion

We understand the importance of keeping client data secure at all times. That's why we retain data for 30 days after a workspace is deleted. This procedure ensures that no associated data becomes lost or accidentally compromised if it was missed during the complete deletion process. Keeping clients' data safe and secure always been our top priority.

Security RFI